Despite the trouble it takes to perform underground utility repair and maintenance, it is a vital task. The pipes and cables running underground carry essential public utilities. Any breakdown in the pipeline can not only cause interruptions in supply, but could also lead to further damage or health hazards. Pipes need to be kept in excellent working order at all times.
Most of the pipelines used in underground utility infrastructure are made from high-density polyethylene (HDPE) pipe. Durable, flexible and lightweight, HDPE pipes can also be fused together seamlessly for a zero leak rate. They are incredibly resistant to corrosion, as well as non-toxic and gentle on the environment.
PE Fusion is the perfect adhesive to use when building and repairing HDPE pipelines. It is a high-strength modified acrylic adhesive designed for the coupling and splicing of HDPE pipe to standard PVC couplings as well as other non-standard materials such as aluminum, steel and fiberglass.
PE Fusion securely bonds all surface types and is ideal for splicing underground utilities.
This gives you flexibility in conduit selection and installation, knowing that PE Fusion will create a permanent, watertight bond.
For more information on
PE Fusion and its use in underground utility repair,
contact GRA Services.
GRA Services International
5540 NE 2nd Street
Oklahoma City, OK 73117
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