GRA Services products have been used in the electric utility industry for over 30 years and have withstood the test of time. They are all designed to extend the useful lifespan of utility structures thus reducing operational cost and avoiding costly replacements.
Our video library contains a growing number of educational and how-to videos designed to help you evaluate our products. If you have any questions about our products, please feel free to email or call us.
Wild fires pose a significant threat to everything in their path, including wood utility poles.
Imagine if wood utility poles could withstand the intense heat of a brush or wild fire and retain structural integrity?
FS-2K was designed to protect and preserve wood utility poles from wild fires, allowing them to remain in service after the fire exposure has passed.
In this video Doug Reeves, founder of GRA Services demonstrates how to apply FS-2K to wood utility poles. Doug also performs a fire test on both an untreated utility pole and also on a utility pole coated in FS-2K. In testing, each pole was subjected to intense heat exceeding 1000℉ for 30 minutes.
The pole coated with FS-2K had no damage while the untreated pole had significant burn damage at ground level and several feet above ground level.
Any utility company with distribution systems in fire prone areas should consider using FS-2K to protect their valuable utility pole assets.
In this 6-minute video the StrongArm system is used to repair several cracked and split utility pole crossarms.
In this 7-minute video the StrongArm system is combined with TimberBond to not just repair, but restore weather damaged crossarms.
TimberBond is used to fill woodpecker holes and restore the highly weathered top of a wood utility pole. 8 minute view time.
1-Minute video of lineman using TimberBond to fix pole top rot.
4-Minute video of lineman restoring a weathered and rotted wood crossarm using TimberBond. TimberBond is stronger than wood and bonds directly with the wood to better than original strength.
We are often asked about the strength of Secure Set for installing utility poles, fence posts and other vertical posts. This video captures a field test measuring the force required to dislodge a post set with concrete compared to one set with Secure Set. 3-Minute view time.
Weather and other factors can cause voids to develop under concrete structures like transformer pads, manholes, sidewalks, driveways and more. Instead of excavating the void and replacing the concrete, Secure Set Spray Foam can be used to backfill the void easily, without excavation. This 8-Minute video demonstrates how Secure Set Spray Foam works and how to properly backfill a void.
In this 18-Minute video we use Secure Set Spray Foam to fill a large void under a concrete slab. 45 minutes after completing the job, we drive an 11,000 pound truck onto the concrete slab with zero change in the level of the slab.
The expansive nature of Secure Set Spray Foam enables to to not only fill a void but also lift sunken surfaces. In this video, Secure Set Spray Foam is used to lift a concrete slab in a barn. There's no need for heavy injection equipment, it can all be accomplished by a single person with a drill and our product. This 12-minute video shows you how to do it yourself.
GRA Services International
5540 NE 2nd Street
Oklahoma City, OK 73117
Visit our consumer retail site to purchase Secure Set spray and liquid foam products.
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