The Varied Uses of Secure Set Pad Leveling Foam for the Utilities Companies

Doug Reeves
When it comes to securing transformers and other structures, utility companies need to have a solid concrete pad. Even with proper installation, weather events, and erosion make the ground unstable, creating damaged concrete. Replacement can be costly and disrupt utility power but we can offer you a better solution.

Secure Set Pad Leveling Foam

Our Secure Set Pad Leveling Foam is a closed cell self-curing foam that fills and seals all voids around your transformer pads. It’s made of the highest quality dual-component MDI based polyurethane and is so versatile, it not only is perfect for restoration concrete infrastructure, but it is also great for sealing air gaps in your pipes, and electrical components as well as ducts too.

We have two different size kits to suit your utility maintenance needs from our 15 Kit, covering 15 board feet to our 110 Kit for several applications of up to 110 board feet.

A Wide Range of Applications

You can use our Secure Set Pad Leveling Foam for:

  • Noise reduction
  • Leveling and supporting structures
  • Blocking out insects
  • Sealing ducts, conduit and pipes
  • Giving you superior weather protection

You need our kit in every service vehicle in your fleet. It’s important for your business to have cost-effective solutions and quick repair times.

Founded in 1994, today GRA Services is an international team of experts focused on maintaining your utilities. We specialize in the installation and repair of various utility structures and provide you with great solutions for your ongoing service and restoration needs.

We are here to help utility companies like yours so
contact us today for help with your restoration concrete infrastructure.

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