Utility companies have regular maintenance and repair of damaged concrete throughout the year. From transformer pads to concrete utility poles, damage occurs and you need a maintenance plan in place with the best products for an easy, long-lasting repair. Concrete Products Repair (CPR) is the most versatile product for you.
Here are 5 reasons CPR is perfect for all your restoration concrete infrastructure.
1. Multi-purpose
CPR is designed for repairing many types of damaged concrete. From concrete utility poles, transformer pads, curbs, manholes, and damaged bridges, this product can restore the integrity of the concrete structure.
2. Easy Application
Applying the compound is very easy and fast. With the supplied applicator you apply the compound, trowel it to the desired finish and let it dry. All tools come with the kit so you don’t need any extra equipment.
3. GRA Services Incentive Program
GRA’s “Try It, You’ll Like It” program ensures that you are satisfied. We give you all the tools needed to repair your damaged concrete projects and if not satisfied, just return the unused product and tools for a refund.
4. All In One Kit
When you order the “Starter Kit” you have everything you need. GRA ships it to you for free and you are ready for your utility maintenance projects. No premixing or complicated set up.
5. A Trusteed International Company
GRA Services
was founded in 1994 and today is an international team of experts focused on maintaining your utilities. They can provide you with great solutions for your ongoing service and restoration needs.
There you have it. 5 reasons to pick
CPR for all your restoration concrete infrastructure. We supply utility companies with products that help them provide quality service in the industry.