The maintenance of utilities poles is an ongoing chore for utility companies. Wooden poles are extremely vulnerable to the elements, especially when birds and insects expose the unprotected interior. When this happens, the wood is left open to the weather, which can cause major problems in the ice and dampness of the winter months.
The trick to keeping poles standing strong during the cold months is to maintain them during the summer. Now is the time to inspect those poles, restore them and protect them against the coming chill.
GRA Services International
has a product that is specially designed to restore poles and extend their functional lives.
is a two-component formula that fills cracks and holes in utility poles and restores their strength. Make it a part of your summer pole maintenance program, and you can be assured that your poles will stand sturdy and strong throughout the winter. TimberBond can be used for both interior and external damage, as well as pole capping. There are two variations of TimberBond: NSG is a more viscous formula and better suited to surface damage. VSG, on the other hand is lower in viscosity, which allows it to penetrate deeper to areas of deep decay.
When inspecting your poles, check for damage from birds and insects and fill any holes with TimberBond. Once the formula has set hard, the poles will be all set for winter.
GRA Services International
focuses on the development of new products and solutions to preserve physical assets in the utility industry.
Contact us
for more information on how you can use
to restore your utilities poles, or on any of our other products and solutions.