Replace or repair damaged wooden utilities poles?

Doug Reeves
Wooden utilities poles are highly susceptible to the elements. Woodpeckers, termites, moisture and sun exposure can all play havoc with them over time. The question all utility companies face eventually is “should we replace these poles or repair them?”

The answer to that question is always a matter of how far gone the poles are. If you inspect one of your poles and find a number of fist-sized holes left by woodpeckers, it would be quite understandable to simply dig the pole out and replace it with a new one. However, that is costly and time consuming and not necessary if you have the right restorative product.

Extend your poles’ life with TimberBond

TimberBond, formulated by GRA Services International, is a product specially created to help you restore your damaged poles and keep them standing strong for a long time to come. 

It is a high-strength two-component formula that is the fastest, cleanest and most economical wood pole restoration system available. With exclusive non-leak, non-sag characteristics, TimberBond is ideal for both internal and exterior damage, as well as for pole capping.

TimberBond can be used to fill holes left by woodpeckers and termites, and sets dry and hard, restoring poles to full strength. With this product, there is no need to replace your poles. You can repair and restore them, and keep them operational for several more years.

GRA Services International focuses on the development of new products and solutions to preserve physical assets in the utility industry. Contact us for more information on how you can use Timberbond to restore your utilities poles, or on any of our other products and solutions.   
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