Wooden vs Concrete Utility Poles

Doug Reeves
Most of the utility poles used by utility companies are made of wood. However, many service providers have started making extensive use of concrete poles, which are not as susceptible to the ravages of weather, birds and insects as their wooden counterparts. Are concrete poles really a definitive solution though? How do they compare to wooden poles?

Pros and Cons

As everyone in the industry knows, wood utility poles have some significant drawbacks. They are prone to decay and infestation, as well as being vulnerable to extreme weather conditions. Concrete poles seem to be the perfect alternative, as they are impervious to all of these risks. However, concrete poles have their own sets of strengths and weaknesses. Consider the following points of comparison:

  • Wood is much lighter, making transport and installation easier.
  • Wood is strong but flexible, while concrete is more rigid. In high winds, wooden poles will flex and bend, while concrete is more likely to crack. 
  • Wooden poles are cheaper to produce than concrete.
  • Wood poles are generally more adaptable and versatile.
  • On the other hand, concrete poles do not sustain the kind of damage that wooden ones do and can be easier to repair.

We’ve got the solution for damaged utility poles; whether wooden or concrete

Regardless of which kinds of poles you use, GRA Services has the repair solution for you.

Timberbond is our product for wooden utility poles. It is a high-strength, two-component formula that is the fastest, cleanest, most economical wood pole restoration and maintenance system available. Use TimberBond NSG for internal and exterior damage, as well as pole capping to insure long term pole integrity.

For concrete utility poles, you can use our
Concrete Products Repair (CPR) formula. CPR is the easiest and most robust structural repair and restoration solution for concrete infrastructure. As the name implies, CPR is not just for concrete poles.  This versatile product also repairs and strengthens curbs, damaged bridges, tower foundations, transformer pads, underground vaults and manholes. 

For more information on
GRA Services’ high-quality utility pole repair products, contact us.

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